I'm sitting here at the Narita Airport in Tokyo, Japan. I'm on my way back to Korea after having had a one week visit back in Oregon. I've plopped down on the ground to charge my phone, which I'm using to write this very blog entry. People are giving me some pretty strange looks-I guess sitting along the wall of a busy walkway isn't conventional around here. But I don't care. In watching the passing people in return.
Passing me now is a campus couple. A campus couple in Korea is a couple wearing the same thing- the same sweatshirt, same hat or sometime even the same shoes. I guess they have campus couples in Japan too! Or maybe they are also headed back to Korea.
Stewardesses pass, either having just arrived off a flight or heading toward one that is departing. If they work for an Asian airline, you would never know the difference because of their high level of professionalism.
As I typed the above sentences, I heard the lyrics, "God bless America" being sung. When I looked up it was two, what I can only guess to be American hipster guys. They could use some voice work.
I hear various languages. Some people are in a rush, some are taking their time. Some look tired, some confused, some excited, and some like zombies.
Oh! A guy just passed with a grey mustache- one of those that are long and curl upward.
And there goes a girl running past! Hope she makes her flight.
Anyway, airports are an interesting place. I think that's what I'm getting at. If embraced, they can be an exciting part of traveling. They always make me feel nostalgic, probably why I suddenly had the urge to blog.
I also want to share some special memories from my visit home.
Will add photo descriptions later!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Ahn nyeong from... Seoul!
I recently re-read my last post and laughed at my certainty for leaving Korea. The yearning for change was met with a giant whirlwind that swiftly picked me up and has yet to spit me out. But did I leave Korea? No. Well at least not yet.
I am not settled and for a long while, nor was I grounded. But luckily, after a much needed, restful Sunday filled with a whole lot of reflecting and introspection, I seem to have found something strong and sturdy to hang onto. It comes from within myself and despite this crazy vortex that is life, I have regained some stability, something that can be difficult to grasp when you are not settled.
So what's been going on lately? Here are some highlights!
Last month, I celebrated my last day of two years teaching at a public school in Anyang City. Some 900 students at this school will remain in my heart forever.
Literally that same day, I moved from Anyang City to Sangdo, Seoul to teach university students at Chungang University.
This is my old apartment. Empty.
This is the neighborhood surrounding Chungang University. Feels wonderful experiencing campus life again, especially with a different perspective.
Cake on the roof at my friend, Barbie's, brunch party.
I celebrated Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) by making Songpyeon, a traditional Korean rice cake.
Welcoming Fall with a bike ride along the Han River.
HI Seoul Festival- The neon is people hanging from the City Hall building while fireworks are released from the roof. Only in Korea, I tell ya... and I mean that in the best of ways.
Ridge Climbing at Bukhan Mountain. Feeling pretty tough!
I met Shannon in Gangreung City for some Gangreung (not to be confused with Gangnam) style type action. Not pictured- belting our hearts out to 90's music, including Alanis Morisette, at a singing room. We documented it with sound clips not pictures and if you're lucky, we sent you one!
Hiking at Dobong Mountain- Fall is my favorite time in the states and also my favorite time in Korea. But in the two places, the season is completely different. Here, it's marked by bright blue skies, perfectly seen from the top of Seoul's mountains.
My current status in Seoul is temporary and I have big news to share about the future! But it's getting late, so I'll have to come back for another post later. Til' then, byebye bloggie world.
I am not settled and for a long while, nor was I grounded. But luckily, after a much needed, restful Sunday filled with a whole lot of reflecting and introspection, I seem to have found something strong and sturdy to hang onto. It comes from within myself and despite this crazy vortex that is life, I have regained some stability, something that can be difficult to grasp when you are not settled.
So what's been going on lately? Here are some highlights!
Last month, I celebrated my last day of two years teaching at a public school in Anyang City. Some 900 students at this school will remain in my heart forever.
Literally that same day, I moved from Anyang City to Sangdo, Seoul to teach university students at Chungang University.
This is my old apartment. Empty.
This is the neighborhood surrounding Chungang University. Feels wonderful experiencing campus life again, especially with a different perspective.
Cake on the roof at my friend, Barbie's, brunch party.
I celebrated Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) by making Songpyeon, a traditional Korean rice cake.
Welcoming Fall with a bike ride along the Han River.
HI Seoul Festival- The neon is people hanging from the City Hall building while fireworks are released from the roof. Only in Korea, I tell ya... and I mean that in the best of ways.
Ridge Climbing at Bukhan Mountain. Feeling pretty tough!
I met Shannon in Gangreung City for some Gangreung (not to be confused with Gangnam) style type action. Not pictured- belting our hearts out to 90's music, including Alanis Morisette, at a singing room. We documented it with sound clips not pictures and if you're lucky, we sent you one!
Hiking at Dobong Mountain- Fall is my favorite time in the states and also my favorite time in Korea. But in the two places, the season is completely different. Here, it's marked by bright blue skies, perfectly seen from the top of Seoul's mountains.
My current status in Seoul is temporary and I have big news to share about the future! But it's getting late, so I'll have to come back for another post later. Til' then, byebye bloggie world.
Bukhan Mountain,
Ganreung City,
HI Seoul Festival,
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Still Alive!
Who’s the worst blogger in the world? ::Raises hand:: This girl! Time in Korea is a funny concept in that it moves really fast. In fact, everything in Korea happens at super speed- driving, eating, walking, grocery store lines (I like this one), etc. Well, I feel like it’s been moving even faster than usual lately and I think it’s because spring brought wonderful weather and now summer is bringing even more. Talk about being spoiled…
I’m also within the final stretch of my 2 years teaching in
Korea. I’m finding myself worrying that each hike I take, each food I eat, each
person I see…down to every last action that make up my days, weeks and months,
could be the last. But realistically, I know this isn’t the case. Sure I have
just 2 months left until the end of my contract and I leave the country, but it
won’t be a final goodbye. It can’t be. I
won’t let it be. When exactly I will return, I do not know, but indeed it will
happen. Korea embraced me and in return, I made it my second home. Someday I
will return. But at the moment, I need change and it's a yearning that I can feel all the way to the core. Change, inspiration and growth.
For now, I’m going to make the most of what little time remains
before my departure. And while I’m crazy excited for the return to my first
home (like really, really, crazy excited), I’m not going to let that get in the
way of experiencing every last thing Korea throws at me this summer.
I promise for some spring and summer adventure updates in the near (let's hope) future, but for now I leave you with a great tune by The Head and the Heart and some amazing comics by my fabulous students.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Dancing Queens: Serendipity in Daegu
Last weekend, what started as a quest to visit Shannon in Daegu and for the both of us to hike Palgongsan, turned into singing ABBA's "Dancing Queen" on stage in front of hundreds. Part of being a foreigner in Korea means a whole lot of attention wherever you go. Often times you'll be the only foreigner (s) at an event, and therefore, given special opportunities to participate- or make a fool of yourself. The attention can be difficult if you enjoy a low-key existence, but if embraced, there are often positive outcomes.
Last year, I attended a basketball game and, out of the entire crowd, was chosen to participate in a dancing contest on the court. Of course I accepted and there were perks: free movie tickets. The last time I was at the "Save my Friend" campaign urging China to allow North Korean refugees into South Korea, I was called up to give an impromptu speech. The cause means a lot to me so I was glad to do it. And soon I'll have a surgery to fix the membrane of my ear. I want to have it done in Korea, but the waiting list for this sort of surgery can sometimes take up to half a year. I explained that I may not have that much time left in Korea and the doctor kindly made an exception, moving me up on the list and scheduling me within just two months. More than anything else gained from the extra attention are the hilarious stories to be told.
Shannon and I really wanted to hike Palgongsan, but Korea had something much different in store. We couldn't find the mountain nor the trail to the infamous Buddha we had hoped to see. Instead, we stumbled upon a cherry blossom festival where, ironically, there weren't any cherry blossoms. However, there was a stage, people singing karaoke/dancing and hundreds of people in the audience. We bought some makoli (rice alcohol) and plopped down in the sun. Some drunk, creepy men from across the way spotted us immediately and mistook our smiles for flirts. They continued to stare until eventually, too enthralled with the awesomeness of the performances, we forgot about them.
Suddenly, the MC looked our way and motioned for us to take the stage. Everyone in the audience was staring. Shannon and I looked at each other and, without really saying much, both knew for certain that we had no other choice but to go up. Together and anywhere else, Shannon and I would generally choose a song from the 80's; by Will Smith, Hanson, or Prince; or really anything but ABBA's "Dancing Queen." But here in Korea, English songs that Koreans know are limited, so we knew what we had to do. We BS'ed the lyrics and danced our butts off. Shannon knew more of the words than me and I've got to give her credit for that. The crowd loved it. We have no video and no pictures of this experience, so you'll just have to believe me, but it was definitely hilarious and definitely something worth being proud of- not in terms of talent, but bravery.
The rest of our day was then planned out for us and almost completely free! We recieved free passes for the cable car up the mountain and passes for an almost free dinner. The funniest part: from that moment on, wherever we went, people recognized us, pointing and saying "Dancing Queen!?" We proudly rocked the title.
Last year, I attended a basketball game and, out of the entire crowd, was chosen to participate in a dancing contest on the court. Of course I accepted and there were perks: free movie tickets. The last time I was at the "Save my Friend" campaign urging China to allow North Korean refugees into South Korea, I was called up to give an impromptu speech. The cause means a lot to me so I was glad to do it. And soon I'll have a surgery to fix the membrane of my ear. I want to have it done in Korea, but the waiting list for this sort of surgery can sometimes take up to half a year. I explained that I may not have that much time left in Korea and the doctor kindly made an exception, moving me up on the list and scheduling me within just two months. More than anything else gained from the extra attention are the hilarious stories to be told.
Shannon and I really wanted to hike Palgongsan, but Korea had something much different in store. We couldn't find the mountain nor the trail to the infamous Buddha we had hoped to see. Instead, we stumbled upon a cherry blossom festival where, ironically, there weren't any cherry blossoms. However, there was a stage, people singing karaoke/dancing and hundreds of people in the audience. We bought some makoli (rice alcohol) and plopped down in the sun. Some drunk, creepy men from across the way spotted us immediately and mistook our smiles for flirts. They continued to stare until eventually, too enthralled with the awesomeness of the performances, we forgot about them.
Suddenly, the MC looked our way and motioned for us to take the stage. Everyone in the audience was staring. Shannon and I looked at each other and, without really saying much, both knew for certain that we had no other choice but to go up. Together and anywhere else, Shannon and I would generally choose a song from the 80's; by Will Smith, Hanson, or Prince; or really anything but ABBA's "Dancing Queen." But here in Korea, English songs that Koreans know are limited, so we knew what we had to do. We BS'ed the lyrics and danced our butts off. Shannon knew more of the words than me and I've got to give her credit for that. The crowd loved it. We have no video and no pictures of this experience, so you'll just have to believe me, but it was definitely hilarious and definitely something worth being proud of- not in terms of talent, but bravery.
The rest of our day was then planned out for us and almost completely free! We recieved free passes for the cable car up the mountain and passes for an almost free dinner. The funniest part: from that moment on, wherever we went, people recognized us, pointing and saying "Dancing Queen!?" We proudly rocked the title.
The stage pre-show |
Kids were even participating! |
So it's not a hike, but hey, we still made it to the top of a mountain. |
Shannon goes weeeeeeee |
Love locks are a common trend in Korea- apparently on mountains too. |
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Learning to Rock Climb at Bukhan Mountain, Seoul
The air was fresh, as it always is when waterfalls nourish
the surrounding trails. The scent of mossy rocks mixed with decomposing leaves from the forest floor filled my lungs as I breathed in, each breath taking me further from the tiring work week and closer to the natural world. We were a group of 8, some from my usual hiking
group led by Mr. Kim and others, friends of Mr. Kim and members of a different hiking group. Half of us would hike to a ridge where we
would then rock climb to the top and half would take the valley trail and meet
the climbers at a shelter on the other side of the mountain. I had been invited
on this trip to learn to rock climb and teaching me would be Mr. Kim, his
friend aka Spiderman, and Jorge, a fearless climber from Spain. I guess you could say I was in pretty good hands.
The group minus myself and one other. |
We stopped about 45 minutes in and one of Mr. Kim’s friends
asked if I wanted to try their food. One of the things I like best about hiking
in Korea is the communal aspect of snack and lunch time; members of the same
group and even different groups almost always share their food and makoli (a Korean rice beverage) and
you do the same in return. I didn’t think twice about grabbing a pair of chop
sticks and taking a bite. It was spicy and chewy and certainly unlike anything I had ever eaten before. Mr. Kim then asked, “What is
it?” in his familiar playful tone. The fact that he was asking said it all- it was
something out of the ordinary. My mind immediately focused on the chewy
texture. “It has to be skin,” I replied. He smiled and said, “What kind?”
“Pig,” I guessed. And he smiled again. It wasn’t bad and I’ll give anything a
try. I’m eating less meat these days, but sometimes it’s a cultural experience
you can’t avoid. On this day, the cultural experience was eating pig skin…
Pig Skin- Don't hate it, but most definitely don't love it |
More hiking was followed by lunch, which was then followed
by the splitting of the two groups. We headed onward toward the ridge while the
others enjoyed a longer lunch. I hadn’t been nervous about the rock climb until
we reached the base and the setting up of the equipment dragged on and on. Being the inexperienced one of the group, I
couldn’t really assist with much of the preparation, so I was left with the
rapidly blowing wind, ever so tall looking rocks, and my overly active
imagination. A knot formed in my stomach.
Spiderman, Mr. Kim, Jorge and me- The climbing group |
I pushed through and found myself awkwardly climbing (if you
could even call it that) up slab number one. Rock climbing is sort of like
skiing, roller blading or ice skating. No matter what verbal instruction you receive,
you just have to get the feel for it yourself. I hadn’t done so quite yet, but somehow
still managed to complete the first portion. It helped that Mr. Kim was
following behind, but at one point during the second portion, I suddenly heard
him shout, “oh no!” “AHHH, what?!” I exclaimed. “I just lost some money.” 20,000W had just fallen from his pocked and downward. As
much as I felt for his loss, I couldn’t help but think of a million different things
he could have said while I was dangling from a rock.
Mr. Kim and myself- Really scared, but I'm still happy smile |
While I generally seek out thrilling experiences and
absolutely love adrenaline rushes, I’m almost always able to control my mind
throughout. But at one point, I lost control of my thoughts and mid-rock,
froze, doubting both my shoes and my body’s ability to make it to the next rest
point. Not knowing what else to do, I almost cried, but before a single tear
could fall from my eyes, Mr. Kim came right up behind me and planted his hand
below my foot and said, “You can do this, Lana.” Jorge from below then shouted,
“Just trust it. If you fall, you will only fall a meter. We have you.” I
quickly regained composure and made it to the next point where Spiderman
congratulated me. I call him Spiderman because he was the one initially
attaching the ropes that the rest of us used to climb. Unattached, he literally
ran up the rocks without a single hesitation.
Jorge coming up slab number three |
It was only the third of the six slabs I would climb, but I
was back on track. That is until I spotted something that once again threatened my
confidence- a sign next to a very dangerous drop off with three dates. “Holy freaking
shit, that's a death list,” I thought to myself and then out loud while peering down the giant slope lying directly under our next rock. If that wasn’t enough to scare
me, I soon found out the next portion was to be done without ropes. It had
rained the day before and even thought the sun had made an appearance, the rocks were still
slippery, especially with the shoes I had on.
"The Point of Death" R.I.P. |
As Spiderman made the climb up first, I watched him very
carefully, studying each of his foot and hand placements. I’ve realized by now
that the safest and easiest way up these rocks is to just go for it without
hesitation and at the quickest speed possible. But at the same time, each move
you make means everything in terms of safety. There are no mess ups. Especially
not at this point because there isn’t a single stopping point that would catch
me if I were to fall. Finally, I just go! I lose all sense of conscious thought,
but in a matter of seconds find myself on flat ground.
I get to the break point and the rush of adrenaline hits me.
I feel more alive than I have since who knows when. All I can do is
laugh, smile and breath in as much air as my rapidly pacing heart desires. Feeling confident, I successfully complete the
remaining two portions. It’s hardly a beginner climb, but I wouldn’t have
wanted it any other way. At the top of the mountain, I felt I had conquered the
world. I’m proud of myself and thankful to my climbing partners that I wholeheartedly
trusted by the end. Cheers to learning to rock climb!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Seoul Goes Green Pt. 2: St. Patrick's Day Festival 2012 Photo Winner
A couple weeks ago I blogged about the St. Patrick's Day Festival in Sindorim, Seoul. Just for the hell of it, I later entered a photo contest for pictures taken at the event. Turns out I won! <-- YAH!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Politics off the Mountain: A Trip to Wolchulsan National Park
Imagine someone from America, Korea,
Saudia Arabia, Pakistan and two from India talking politics on a cross
country bus ride in Korea. We were headed down south to walk the
famous 구름다리 (Cloud Bridge) at 월출산 (Wolchulsan) in Joella Province and congregated in the back of
the bus as the remaining 30 or so hikers napped. Our conversation switched
between American, Korean and Middle Eastern politics with a hint of
humanitarianism. When will the North Korean regime collapse? Who is fighting in
Syria? Why does America feel the need to intervene in fights outside their
responsibility? These are just a few of the topics that came up.
All being said was done so with the uttermost respect for one
another. We were mere individuals not representations of our countries as a
whole. It almost felt as though South Korea was our safe haven for freedom of
discussion- a neutral meeting ground for the six of us. With the exception of
my friend native to Korea, we were removed from our home countries, perhaps
providing somewhat of a freeing effect. After all, the guy from Saudia Arabia made it very clear
that he would not be sharing his beliefs in such a relaxed manner had he been
in his home country nor would he do it on the internet where there would be a
Moments like this allow one to truly understand their fellow human
beings. A humanistic view of the happenings around the world.
When the bus arrived at our destination, we were no longer
individuals from different backgrounds sharing what we feel, think, and know
about the world, but fellow hikers. And although we would talk more on the
mountain, it was no longer about such serious topics. That moment had passed
and the mountain would now serve it's rejuvenation qualities.
Mr. Kim, Soojin, Caleb and Christain on the Cloud Bridge |
![]() |
Part of the Climbing in Korea gang |
HyungKyung....cheese! |
Phallic Rock |
Cloud Bridge,
Wolchulsan National Park,
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